Step 1
First, we will consult with you on how you can self edit your book for publishing. Then we at LaTribuna Christian Publishing will walk with you step by step on how to publish your book through Kindle Direct Publishing for Amazon.
Step 2
Second, our expert formater will formate your manuscript for either Kindle e-book or paperback for Kindle Direct Publishing for Amazon.
Step 3
Third, we at LaTribuna Christian Publishing will consult with you on how to create the perfect book cover for your e-book and in creating the perfect front and back cover for your paperback.
Step 4
LaTribuna Christian Publishing will walk with you every step of the way in helping to publish your book through Kindle Direct Publishing for Amazon. Once your first book is published you will be given all of the tools so that you will be able to publish future books on your own. We at LaTribuna Christian Publishing firmly believe in the teachings of the Bible as in treat others as you would want to be treated. So instead of just giving someone a fish to eat, we give a fish to those who are hungry then we give them a fishing pole along with the skills so they can go out and catch fish for themselves. John 14:27